One of the most important questions you are asked when applying for an auto insurance policy is your garaging location. Garaging is where your car is parked the majority of the time. It’s usually the same as your primary residence, since you would drive your car to work and then park it at home every night. It is extremely important that you answer this question honestly, as it could affect whether your policy is valid for damages to your vehicle. Here’s a closer look at the importance of correct garaging location on MA auto insurance policies.
Reasons Why People Lie About Garaging Location
Garaging location is used to calculate the premium on your auto insurance policy. Why? Some locations have higher rates of car theft, accidents, and/or policy claims. Given that your risk is higher, you also pay a higher premium. Some people lie about their garaging location in order to save money on their insurance.
Importance of Correct Garaging Location
What happens if you are not completely honest about your garaging location or if you forgot to update the information after a move? Your insurance company could actually refuse to pay a claim if they believe you were deception, intentional misleading, or provided false information. Thus, it would be much like not having insurance coverage at all! Thus, we can’t state enough the importance of correct garaging location on MA auto insurance policies.
Unusual Garaging Scenarios
Although garaging is a straight forward answer for most people, there are cases the answer is more complicated. Examples:
- You have two homes and spend significant time at both locations.
- You are divorced and your car is often used by your child living with an ex-spouse.
- You own the vehicle but lend it to a friend or family member the majority of the time.
When it comes to unusual cases, the best way to protect yourself is to provide full details to your insurance company. This includes details on other drivers of the vehicle. Do not attempt to hide or focus on information that might save you money. By giving them the specific details, they can accurately update your policy and ensure that your vehicle is fully protected.