Standard homeowners insurance includes coverage for valuables, but most policies have limits on the amount of coverage available. If you own family heirlooms or expensive jewelry, or have special collections, you may want to look into high value assets insurance. The following are tips to help you prepare for covering valuables under homeowners insurance.
Create an Inventory of Your Valuables
Having an inventory of your possessions can help you purchase the appropriate insurance and also ease the process of filing a claim. Go room by room through your house and create a list of everything valuable that you own. On your list, include a name and description for each item as well as a photo. Brand names, dates purchased, and any appraisals on the items are helpful details. The list should be stored in a safe place outside of your home and should be reassessed on a yearly basis.
High Value Asset Insurance
If your valuables include items such as antiques, furs, firearms, musical instruments, fine jewelry, silver or silverware, you may want to include high value asset insurance in your homeowners insurance policy. Appraisals on these items can give you a better sense of how much coverage to purchase. There is a cost associated with getting appraisals, but it can be worthwhile for high-priced assets.
Covering Valuables under Homeowners Insurance
It is important not to overlook covering valuables under homeowners insurance. If you are unsure of whether you have enough coverage on your policy, contact your insurance agent. They can help you determine how much coverage you have, what kinds of items are currently covered, and what you should purchase for additional coverage.