Children add a new complexity to your living situation. It is important to implement safety measures in your home to keep your children safe. Some childproofing measures are obvious, and others, not so obvious. Here are some tips on childproofing a home to consider.
Childproofing Equipment
If you visit your local baby store, there should be an entire section dedicated to childproofing equipment. This makes it easy to identify and purchase the items that you need. Among the options are…
- Electric Outlet Covers
- Oven Locks
- Door Locks
- Toilet Cover Locks
- Baby Gates for Doorways
- Cabinet and Drawer Locks
- Child Proof Power strips
- Table Edge Bumpers
Other Childproofing Measures
Beyond purchasing equipment available in stores, there are other measures that you should consider.
Secure Furniture – Children will undoubtedly try to climb bookcases and other similar furniture around your home. Make sure they are all secure and will not fall on top of your child. You can secure the back of bookcases to the wall using equipment available at your local hardware store.
Review Placement of Electronics – Electronics can also fall on top of children if not placed securely. Avoid unstable make-shift TV stands. If possible, use wall mounted. For other appliances, be careful not to leave electric cords hanging off tables or countertops. Children may tug on the cord and pull down the appliances.
Store Chemicals and Medications Out of Reach – Cleaning supplies and dishwashing tablets are commonly stored underneath kitchen sinks. Unfortunately, this is the perfect height for children. Even if you have locks on the cabinets, those locks may fail or you may forget to engage them. It is best not to keep these hazardous materials completely out of reach. The same goes for medications. Test have shown that child proof caps are actually easy for some children to figure out. Take the overly cautious approach when it comes to all of these dangerous items.
Other Ideas for Childproofing a Home
Sometimes the best way to identify dangerous areas within your home is to imagine yourself as a child. Get down on your knees and explore your home. Look at everything within reach and imagine what your child may do. What will they touch, pull, hit, climb, or eat? You may be surprised at what you uncover!