As COVID cases continue to rise, many employers are still allowing employees to work from home. Working from home can be convenient in many ways, but it’s not without its challenges. Here are some work from home tips during a pandemic.
Get Dressed
Getting dressed in the morning is part of a work mindset. If you remain in your pajamas or sweat pants, you’re likely to also feel more lazy and unmotivated. You need not wear anything too formal, but the act of getting dressed in the morning can get you motivated and lead to a more productive day.
Create a Dedicated Work Space
Staying focused is one of the biggest challenges of working from home. If you’re sitting at the kitchen table and have the television running in the background, it’s easy to see why. Instead, create a dedicated work space in your home. Set up a comfortable desk and chair so that you’ll be comfortable and have the supplies needed to complete your work day. A quiet space away from the hustle and bustle of regular household activities is also ideal.
Include Direct Communications
Working from home can lead to a feeling of isolation. As you communicate via email, text messages and other digital communications, you can lose essential social interactions. One of the most important work from home tips during a pandemic is to incorporate direct communications into your work day. Pick up the phone and call a co-worker or customer. Schedule a zoom session with your team. These interactions can be uplifting, strengthen relationships, and change the pace of your day.
Define Specific Work Hours
It’s great not having a commute, but you may find yourself working more as a result. When your work space is in your home space, boundaries become blurred. It’s more essential than ever to maintain a work/life balance. To achieve this, set defined work hours during the day. Make a point to shut down when your day is over and have dedicated personal time for yourself and/or to spend with your family.
Take Breaks
We’ve all made the mistake of losing ourselves in our work. While rushing to complete a project or working to catch up on your to-do list, you can end up sitting at your desk for hours at a time. This is unhealthy and could actually make you less productive. Be sure to take frequent breaks. Grab a drink, take a short walk, or stretch. Even a one-minute break every hour can provide huge benefits, so make a conscious effort to do so.
Summary of Work From Home Tips During a Pandemic
Can you believe it’s been almost a year since the pandemic started? You may have never imagined you’d be working from home this long and who knows how much longer it may continue. In fact, some companies may make work from home a more permanent thing. So, keep these work from home tips during a pandemic in mind and take steps to improve your productivity, reduce stress, and stay healthy during this time.