MA auto insurance coverage for bodily injury to others covers very specific scenarios and includes certain limitations. As a driver in Massachusetts, it is important to understand what is and is not covered under this clause and what options you may have available. Below are details on this coverage as it applies to MA auto insurance policies.
What Bodily Injury to Others Covers
This coverage pays for damages to anyone injured or killed by your car. It covers items such as medical expenses, pain and suffering. It is important to know that injuries to the driver or passengers in your car are not covered under this particular clause (refer to personal injury protection for that coverage). Furthermore, only accidents that occur in Massachusetts are covered. If you drive outside of Massachusetts, drive in places where the public has no right of access, or drive with guests in your car, you may want to purchase protection under Optional Bodily Injury to Others.
Coverage Amounts and Limits
All insurance coverages have limits. For Bodily injury to others, the minimum limit is $20,000 per person and $40,000 per accident. If your vehicle is involved in an accident, it is possible that you could be sued for much more than those amounts. You may be held personally responsible for amounts above and beyond what your insurance covers. Buying higher limits under Optional Bodily Injury to Others coverage will provide additional protection and is a wise decision. However, higher limits result in higher insurance premiums, so the amounts you select may depend on your personal finances. Limits of $100,000 per person and $300,000 per accident are commonly selected by MA drivers.
MA Auto Insurance Coverage for Bodily Injury to Others
Bodily injuries resulting from accidents can be very costly, especially given the increasing cost of health care. Insurance provides important protection for MA car owners. The above overview on MA auto insurance coverage for bodily injury to others is meant only as a general reference. Always consult with a local professional for guidance on coverages, limits, and what may be best for you.