Among the many factors that affect your auto insurance rates are the features on your specific car. With the advancement of technology, most cars these days have a ton of safety features. Unfortunately, only some help reduce your rates. Here’s a look at the safety features that lower car insurance rates, and some others that surprisingly do not.
Safety Features that Lower Car Insurance Rates
1 – Alarm System
Insurance companies like alarm systems because they help reduce the chances of theft and/or increase the chances of recovering a stolen vehicle. Discounts are commonly given for audible alarms and systems that either track and/or disable vehicles. This includes LoJack, which can be added to any vehicle, or tracking software in tech-infused newer cars.
2 – Daytime Running Lights
Daytime running lights are not a brand new feature, but they are not common in older cars. Fortunately, just about every new car includes them. These lights are known to improve vehicle detection during daytime driving and can therefore reduce the chances of an accident. The discount amount can vary, based on the insurance company, but many offer some level of discount for them.
3 – Automatic Seat Belts
Seat belts are extremely important in reducing personal injuries and preventing death in auto accidents. Unfortunately, seat belt usage is still not widespread among adults in this country. Most insurance companies offer discounts for vehicles with automated seat belts or seat belt enforcement software. For instance, some electric vehicles will not shut down if seat belts are not in use.
4 – Electronic Stability Control Systems
Another of the safety features that lower car insurance rates are electronic stability control systems. These are often programmed into vehicles to prevent skidding and/or rollovers. Sensors on the vehicle can trigger defensive mechanisms that keep the car under control. Given the huge safety benefit of such systems, most insurance companies extend a discount for vehicles that contain such features.
5 – Airbags
Discounts are also offered for vehicles with airbags. You may be wondering what vehicles don’t have airbags these days, but there are many older model cars on the road. Even vehicles with driver side airbags may lack passenger or side impact airbags that provide critical added safety.
Safety Features that Don’t Affect Rates
Now that you know some safety features that lower car insurance rates, here are some that don’t.
- Collision Warning Systems
- Blind Spot Vehicle Detection
- Lane Departure Warning
- Parking Assist Programs
- Rear View Cameras
These are very desirable features and are highly valued by consumers, but most insurance companies are yet to discount insurance premiums specifically for them. This isn’t to say that they are not valuable. These features can help avoid accidents and keep passengers safe, so they are very important. Hopefully the insurance industry will start to view these differently!
For more safety features that lower car insurance rates, contact Eagle Trust Insurance!