Massachusetts is a competitive insurance market, which means that consumers can shop around for rates. There are two different approaches to shopping around. You can contact major insurance companies directly or you can use an independent insurance agent that works with several companies. Working with independent insurance agents in MA save you money and time,.. here’s why.
Knowing Where to Shop
If you shop rates on your own, you’re likely to contact just a few companies to compare. You may or may not be considering companies that are best for your particular situation. Independent Insurance Agents in MA will take the time to understand your needs and will know which insurance companies might offer the best terms and pricing for you. They can also compare rates across many more companies than what you might do on your own. This saves you both time and money!
Taking Advantage of Discounts
Most people have learned that if you purchase multiple policies (i.e. homeowner’s and auto insurance) from one insurance company, you can qualify for a multi-policy discount. Did you know that, in some cases, you can also qualify for discounts if purchasing from two different companies but using the same independent insurance agent in MA? Sometimes this option can save you the most money.
Looking for Independent Insurance Agents in MA? Contact Eagle Trust Insurance
Eagle Trust Insurance is proud to be among the Independent Insurance Agents in MA. We have been in business for almost 30 years and work with major insurance providers plus some less well-known but reputable companies serving Massachusetts. Our team will take the time to understand your needs and identify the best solutions from a coverage, pricing, and service perspective. Contact us today for a free quote!