Many areas in Massachusetts received significant snowfall last week. With warmer temperatures over the last few days and this coming week, most of that snow will be melting. This can create problems for many homeowners with fieldstone foundations that are prone to seepage. If you fall into this category, these tips for addressing MA basement water issues from snow melt may help.
Ways to Address MA Basement Water Issues from Snow Melt
Remove Excess Water
If you receive measurable water, more that simply dampness along foundation walls, then you should take steps to remove it. A wet-dry vac is a homeowners most helpful tool in this case. Vacuum up any visible puddles. Depending on how long the law and seepage may continue, you may need to perform this task multiple times.
Reduce Moisture in the Air
Seepage can cause general dampness in the air within your basement, which can inhibit mold and cause other issues. Install a dehumidifier to help alleviate this condition. This can also help dry out seepage more quickly.
Make Necessary Repairs
If water seepage has touched any untreated wood or other susceptible materials in your basement, it is important to repair or replace it, as needed. Damp wood can rot or develop mold.
Identify the Source of the Problem
Once you’ve addressed the immediate issue of drying out your basement, you’ll want to evaluate ways to prevent future MA basement water issues from snow melt. Seepage from your basement walls and floor are the result of water in the soil around your home. You may want to consider adjusting the grade to allow water to flow away from your foundation. Gutters along your roofline can also help direct water away from the immediate area (from heavy rains, etc.). Within the interior of your basement, look for any obvious gaps in the fieldstone. Basement repointing can help fill those gaps. Lastly, consider adding a coat of special paint after pointing for added protection.