Spring is here! Okay, technically there’s still snow on the ground, but it is indeed Spring. As that snow starts to melt, it’s a good time to think about your annual Spring cleaning and repair tasks. Here are a few MA home spring repairs and maintenance tasks to add to your list.
Goodbye Salt
It was an interesting winter with quite a few late snow storms. You probably have quite a bit of salt, dirt, and leaves as a result. This can do a number on your lawn and driveway. Use a leaf blower to get the salt off of your lawn. Then sweep your driveway and walkways (so wind doesn’t blow that sand back onto your lawn).
Trim, Trim, Trim
The bushes and trees may not be budding yet, so it’s a perfect time to trim any unwanted branches. It’s easier to see what you’re trimming without all of the leaves in the way. By trimming earlier, you also increase the chances of new buds sprouting at the edges of the branches.
Repair Damaged Exterior
We’ve had high winds lately, so it’s possible that the exterior of your home may have some damage. Check for broken or cracked trim, missing roof shingles, loose steps or railings, etc. Address these issues now to prevent further damage or water seepage from rain.
Other MA Spring Home Repairs and Maintenance Tasks
In addition to making repairs, you should also think about general maintenance and upkeep. This means,
- Cleaning out your gutters,
- Having your heating system serviced,
- Checking for gaps in your foundation where pests may enter,
- Treating your lawn,
- Spraying for ticks and other pests, and
- Treating/staining your decks to prevent rotting.
By completing MA spring home repairs and maintenance tasks, you can prevent issues from arising or ensure that small problems don’t turn into bigger ones. As much as we all may dislike these responsibilities to begin with, being a conscientious homeowner truly pays off in the long run.