The snow is finally starting to melt in Massachusetts. This is a relief for MA homeowners. However, this does not mean that your work is done. With the thaw comes the danger of flooding. Here are some MA home maintenance tips for the winter thaw that may help minimize damage to your property.
1. Clear the Snow From Around Your Foundation
You likely have quite a bit of snow around your home. As this snow melts, quite a bit of water will will seep into the ground around your foundation. This could eventually seep into your basement, especially if you have a fieldstone foundation (which is common in older homes in MA). It is a good idea to shovel the snow away from your foundation. The further you can move it, the better.
2. Check Your Basement Systems
If your basement is prone to seepage, it’s a good time to be proactive. Make sure your sump pump is clear and in good working order. Run a test by pouring some water into the well and seeing if the pump automatically starts. Install a dehumidifier to address the moisture in the air. Keep an eye on the basement for the amount of seepage that you may get as the thaw continues. For puddling water, you may want to use a shop vac or some other means of removing the excess buildup.
3. Extend Downspouts
If you didn’t already have the snow removed from your roof, you may have quite a bit still up there and slowly melting. Make sure that your gutters are clear and that your downspouts point away from your property. You may need to add extensions to the bottom to ensure they don’t deposit water right near your foundation and seep into your basement.
More MA Home Maintenance Tips
As we all eagerly anticipate the arrival of spring, it’s important not to become complacent about our homeowner responsibilities. Taking the time to address the MA Home Maintenance Tips for the Winter Thaw above will help minimize damage to your property, which in turn saves you from a lot of headaches. For additional MA home maintenance tips, follow our blog.