Every family should have a disaster plan. If you have pets, don’t forget to include them. We know that your pets are as much a part of your family as any other member. Here are some tips and ideas on disaster preparation for pets.
Shelter Options During a Disaster
Many shelters, such as those offered by the Red Cross, are not allowed to take in animals. Therefore, during an emergency, you may be required to find alternative solutions. It can be extremely stressful to realize this during a disaster, so it is important to know ahead of time what your options are. Contact local kennels, hotels, etc. to find a nearby place where your pets would be allowed.
Evacuation Kits for Pets
Just as you have an emergency kit for your family, you should also have one for your pet. Include items such as a pet carrier, first aid kit, a few toys, and pet food and water. Waterproof clothing/gear can also be helpful.
Pet Identification
Depending when disaster strikes, you may find yourself separated from your pets. Make sure that you have a recent photo that can be used to help track it down. ID tags and/or embedded chips can help as well.
Disaster Preparation for Pets
Knowing your shelter options and having the necessary supplies on hand for a quick evacuation can dramatically reduce the stress of dealing with a disaster and also allow you to escape danger more quickly. Weather is probably one of the most likely disaster scenarios here in Massachusetts. For an impending storm, play it safe and bring your pets indoors promptly and double check your emergency kit. This will help you and your pets remain safe.