Among the many factors that affect your auto insurance rates are the features on your specific car. With the advancement of technology, most cars these days have a ton of safety features. Unfortunately, only some help reduce your rates. Here's a look …
Why Your Job Impacts Auto Insurance Rates
Did you know that your job is one of many factors that may affect your auto insurance premiums? Although this may sound a bit strange and unfair to you, there is a good reason why insurance companies consider employment in their risk assessments. …
3 Surprising Things That Can Change Your MA Auto Insurance Premium
Most Massachusetts drivers know about the major MA auto insurance factors, such as the make/model/mileage of your car and your driving history. There are actually other factors that contribute to your insurance premium, and some of these things may …
3 Surprising Things That Can Change Your MA Auto Insurance PremiumRead More
Why Location Matters for Massachusetts Auto Insurance
If you move from one city to another, your auto insurance rate will likely change even if nothing else on the policy does. This may seem a bit strange since you often hear that auto insurance rates are based on your vehicle and driving record. Most …
Why Location Matters for Massachusetts Auto InsuranceRead More