Halloween can be as much fun for pets as it is for children. It can also be equally dangerous if you don't take the right precautions to protect your furry friends. Here are a few Halloween pet safety tips to keep in mind. 1 - Keep Away From …
Holiday Pet Safety Tips
The holidays are a wonderful time of year that you enjoy with all of your family members,.. even the furry ones. Unfortunately, it’s not the safest time of year for pets. As you prepare for and enjoy the holidays, keep these holiday pet safety tips …
Thanksgiving Foods That Are Unsafe for Dogs
Thanksgiving is all about food. The aroma from the delicious foods will undoubtedly attract the attention of your pets, and it's hard not to let them join in on the feast. There are many foods that may be surprisingly dangerous for your pets. Before …
Summer Dog Safety Tips for MA Residents
We all enjoy the outdoors during the summertime. If you have dogs, they probably enjoy the extra time outdoors even more than you do. Just as you protect yourselves from sun and insects, it's important to think about the safety of your pets outdoors. …