There has been increasing legislation around cellphone use while driving. Pulling over to answer a phone call or text message may not be an option for you. Some responsibilities, like a career or family, require constant communication no matter where …
Penalties for Driving without a License in Massachusetts
Life is busy and it seems we're always in a hurry. In your rush, do you ever find yourself driving without a license? The penalties for this are actually quite high. Here's what you should know about penalties for driving without a license in …
Penalties for Driving without a License in MassachusettsRead More
Mandatory Driver’s License Suspension in Massachusetts
There are circumstances that may result in mandatory driver's license suspension in Massachusetts. Do you know what these factors are? If you are 18 years or older and your driving record contains a certain number of surchargeable events, your …
Mandatory Driver’s License Suspension in MassachusettsRead More